
Excel shortcuts key

If you always need to handle data in Excel, the shortcut key can save much of your time.

The shortcut keys that I employed most:

When performing comparsion between sheets:
- Switch to previous sheet: Ctrl+Page Up
- Switch to next sheet: Ctrl+Page Down
I use these two when comparing two similar pages of content with eyes.

Handling Range handling:
- Ctrl+Home: as the spec say:"moves to the beginning of a worksheet.", the beginning is referring to A1 in most of the case. However if the worksheet is splitted/freezed, it is
referring to the first cell in the lower right hand part (Detail part) of the worksheet.
- Ctrl+End: The last cell in the used Range, the used range refer to the last cell with values.
- Ctrl+Arrow: go to the last cell in the range (in direction of arrow)
- Ctrl+Shift+Arrow: extends the selection of cells to the last nonblank cell (in direction of arrow)
The Ctrl+Shift+Arrow/Ctrl.end counterpart in VBA: Range.END(xlDirection)
is partcularly useful in looking for limit of a data range.
For example, to find out number of rows entered by a user.
The following sample shows the resuls from Range.END function

if the current selection already the "last" one, it will jump to the "next" end.
e.g. ?Range(B'$).end(xlToLeft).address results in $A$4

Handling Formating:
-launch cell formating dialog: Ctrl+1
Besides Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I (Bold/Italic), I use the Ctrl+1 in most of the time. Since it is easily to locate function from fixed tabs, other than the moving toolbars. Also, I have no idea how to memorized ctrl+2/ctrl+3/ctrl+4 (quick formating?), as they are only usable in excel...

-Paste Value:Alt+E->S
Just don't know why MS doesn't provide a direct shortcut key to this one...
Ctrl+C is good, but, most of the time, I don't need to copy also the format (and even formula!)

If you see a keyboard with F11 key cleaner than other function keys, she/he must be a macro programmer~

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