Official free ebook on Office 2010 features:
First look in Microsoft Office 2010
1. SSAS Cube Related:
Frederik Vandeputte's Blog
Running Total (Year To End),
Displaying Single Measure Multiple times
Interactive Filter (Instance selection on typing)
Dynamic Sets (A user friendly approach :-) )
Create Set base Rows Items
Write Backs
Chris Webb Blog
Dynamic Sets
Sets Creation with UI
2. How to show everything with sparklines
Excel Team
- Sparklines as LINE
- Formats: Low / High
- "sparklines are in an Excel table you can add another row of data and the sparkline group would grow and add another sparkline to the table"
Excel Team
- Sparklines as column
- Formats: Negative Points and Styles
Excel Team (1)
Excel Team (2)
-Sparklines as winloss
- Sparkines axis and Reference Line
Excel Team
- Line Up Points
3. Conditional Formatting
Excel Team
- Icon set now customizable
- "Exception handling" in icon set, e.g. negative value
Excel Team
- Proportional Value Bar
- Negative value Bar
- Formating Border/Fills
4. Charting
Excel Team
- Interactivity: Fields button (selection of range and "drilldown" easily)
- Double click objects to format (am... is it so important?)
- Data points: limit of data points extended.
5. Security
Excel Team
Should be something related to this one...
Excel Team
-Protected view for VBA, in control of file access.
Overview from Microsoft
Some screenshots in pre-"technical preview"
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