
英文版Word 2007: 繁簡轉換見鬼 (Solved! 2009-05-23)

2009-05-23 UPDATE
If you see this message when launching the TC/SC translation
"Word is unable to proceed. More than one file necessary to do TC/SC translation is missing"

Please try install the Office 2007 Language Pack for TC or SC .
Unfortunately the language pack require cost...

Sorry for those who search this message on search engine.
"Word is unable to proceed. More than one file necessary to do TC/SC translation is missing"
and come into this message.

I am still tracing the solution for this one...

The follow are "solutions" from Dr. google, but all of them are failed...

1. Reinstall Office:
I have tried with different version (SBE/Standard), both of them failed
2. Install office 2007 without upgrading from previous action
The above screen is captured from a clean machine...
3. Language settings:
Tried Default Language with following: English, TC (HK), TC (TW), SC (PRC)
Waste of time...
4. Install Multi Language Pack
Got nothing...
(2009-05-23 Sorry, It's works!)

Another issue: Just one statement that I would to talk to this MVP.
"If you don't know about it, don't mess about it...
what the X technical support, wasted time of many peoples ..."

Sorry for a rude, I will put the solution here if I got any.

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